This injury should now wake fans up as to where Newcastle United really need to strengthen

I haven’t been staying up for the games in America.

I’m still annoyed at how Newcastle United seem to have been shafted in all this, as of the six clubs competing in this money spinner – I mean tournament – we are the only one that didn’t have a nice evening kick off UK time, with all three matches going off during sleepy-bye time.

Anyway, for the second time this week I woke up and immediately checked the score.

A 1-1 with Chelsea was just fine, it’s pointless reading anything into these scores, but then I saw it, the last thing you want to see in pre-season, that one line that filled me with fear:

“Fabian Schar was taken off after just 33 minutes with a hamstring injury…”

I don’t want to be a pre-season pant wetter, but this, is up there with the most alarming things that could have come out of this kickabout.

It has me absolutely baffled how, when the Barnes transfer was obviously a done deal, people have consistently blethered about how a left-back needs to be United’s next priority. I acknowledge that Burn and Targett are upgradeable when you’re talking about Champions League quality, but both have done a fine job over these past 18 months and it would be no disaster if a rotation of the two, was what we went with going into the new season. We have even retained Dummett as a third choice option.

Now look at the options should this Fabian Schar injury become an ongoing issue (as is a often the case with hamstrings).

Jamaal Lascelles has been a fine servant to the club and his remaining at United is no disaster, but if Fabian Schar was missing until say, Christmas, would you really want him (Lascelles) starting week-in, week-out, in Premier and Champions League?

That would also leave the aforementioned Dummett as the next option to rotate in when rest is required, unless Alex Murphy’s performances in the States suggest he’s ready for the first team proper.

If promoting the likes of Alex Murphy is the plan then grand, but I would suggest it might be a bit of an ask, over a sustained period. Also, Jackson’s opener for Chelsea suggested that an injection of pace at the back might not be altogether unwelcome.

I’m not a football manager or stats guru (nerd), so I can’t suggest blokes with the profile that would fit, but with the pending sale of ASM, plus a bumper fee set to be received for Darlow, there is now surely room to move onto the next signing and it’s got to be here.

A younger, hungry, right footed CB who will happily bide his time behind Fabian Schar but equally be up to the challenge should he need to be chucked in for a decent length of time.

Until this is sorted, stop going on about left-backs man.

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