Llandudno teenager breaks Welsh powerlifting championship records.

On March 23, at the Gymshark Lifting Club in Solihull, Mackenzie Parker-Pierce, 17, participated in the Powerlifting Junior and Sub-junior Championships.

He shattered two Welsh records (240 kg squat, 10 kg on a seven-year standing Welsh record; 142.5 kg bench; 260 kg deadline; 642.5 kg total, another Welsh record broken) and finished second in the UK.

Mackenzie’s parents provided support during the Solihull event; for the past three years, he had trained primarily on his own at his home gym.

“He doesn’t have a coach, unlike most of the other lifters – he does it all himself,” his mother Jodi stated. He works out every day.

“The event in Solihull was incredible; he is highly motivated when he sets his mind to something.”

He’s also moved up a weight class; this year, he achieved under-93s instead of under-83s. He’s really stepped up his game because he’s also mastered lifting.

“I think he really has that fire back in him now because he’s had a couple of people reach out about possibly sponsoring him since the competition.”

“He worked so hard and I felt it was quite an achievement, considering 90% of his training he has done himself in his little home gym in Llandudno, with no official trainer,” Gaynor, Mackenzie’s grandmother, continued.


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