Telford Tigers in safe hands

Telford Tigers have secured the services of net minder Brad Day for the next two seasons.

Day, who has won two National League titles and a National Cup during his time with Telford, will return to for his fifth year with the club at the start of the next campaign.

“I’m delighted to return to the Tigers for my fifth and sixth seasons with the club,” said Day.

“It’s a pleasure to play for Telford and each year I come back, I feel more and more comfortable and happy playing here. I have enjoyed some fantastic nights and seasons in my time here, long may that continue.”

Head coach and general manager Tom Watkins is delighted to have toed Day down for another two seasons.

“Goaltending is without question the most important position in hockey and we all know how important Brad has been for our team,” said Watkins.

“Without doubt he is one of the top goalies in the league, he has shown on several occasions he has the ability and composure to win having led us to several pieces of silverware.

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